Wednesday, April 17, 2019

This is why you became a fan of Chris Doyle

Chris Doyle.  Nearly every rider I know, which is mostly old dudes like me, and guys from the 90's era, has a high opinion of Chris Doyle.  But since I was outside the industry from the mid-90's until now, working as a taxi driver much of that time, there are a ton of great riders I just haven't seen videos of.

In my mind, Chris Doyle has been a amazing and super smooth trails rider.  That's most of what I've heard of him, without watching full video segments.  Talking with Rich (Bartlett-Block Bikes owner) yesterday, about riders to feature in this blog in the near future, Chris' name came up quick.  But for some reason, I have just never seen much video of him.  I checked out one amazing video yesterday, and realized just how good of a street rider Doyle is along with the trails riding I expected.  But I decided hop in the Way Back machine (old guy reference) and watch an early segment of Chris, and remind all of you why Chris Doyle is given legend status by people these days.  This clip was uploaded in 2006, you know back when YouTube was a little over one year old.  Think about that.  You watch this clip, to remind you why you're a big fan of Chris Doyle, and I'm going to go watch more of his videos to catch up on all I've missed while I was sitting in a taxi getting fat for 6 years.

One more thing everyone, Rich and I are both totally stoked about how many people have checked out this new blog.  It's had over well over 500 page views in less than the first week.  I'm a long time blogger at this point, and that's freakin' amazing.  We just want to say "Thanks" to everyone for the interest and for checking it out.  This blog is brought to you buy Block Bikes, who is expanding with the new online store.  So keep that in mind as you check things out, and I'll keep looking for great stuff to share.  The Blog's BMX heavy, but "all things bike" is the idea, so I'll mix it up as we go along with a wide variety of stuff about two wheel life.

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