Saturday, April 27, 2019

Game of Bike: Kriss Kyle vs. Motorcycle Trials rider

When Rich Bartlett and I started talking about this blog idea a couple weeks ago, I knew I wanted to find things far beyond the typical street or park BMX video section to put in it.  Those are awesome, but in today's media saturated environment, I knew there were a lot of video gems out there, weird, gnarly, unique, and other bicycle related videos and stories, to be found.  This is a great one.

Every BMX rider has played a game of BIKE now and then, like doing trick shots playing HORSE with a basketball.  Wait, why the heck do they call that HORSE anyhow?  Weird.  In the old days of the 1980's, we'd play FREESTYLE, which made for some really long games, especially when we had 5 or 6 riders.  The point is, you all know the game.

Obviously, this one is different, Kriss Kyle leaves his comfort zone, and goes head to head against motorcycle trials rider James Dabill.  I wasn't sure what to expect when I first watched this one.  I also noticed the video is 18 minutes long, and thought it might drag and be boring.  WRONG.

This is one of the coolest BMX videos I've watched in quite a while.  Both riders are totally trying... AND LANDING, stuff totally outside their normal riding skills.  I was hooked right to the end.

It totally reminded me of my own days hanging out at the Huntington Beach Pier in CA, back in the late 80's, riding with skateboarders like Pierre Andre, Don Brown, Ed Templeton, Mark Gonzales, and many more.  I was always up for a game of SKATE on my bike, just because I loved trying skateboard tricks on my bike.  It always gave me new ideas for bike tricks.  I pioneered bike nollies (nosewheelie INTO A BUMP), half-Cabs, and no complys (footplant to 180) back when those things were all considered stupid (mostly because I was about the only guy doing them back then).

My point is, when you play a game of BIKE against a different vehicle, with different tricks and maneuvers possible, it opens your mind to completely new ideas on your bike.  Anyhow, this is a bit long, but a great watch.  Enjoy. 

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